
周一至周日 :0:00-24:00

2017/05/19重庆SPACE CLUB | 百大DJ BLASTERJAXX 要来打响第一炮!

All I can see are blue skies


And not a cloud in sight


You are the brightness sunrise


You fill my days with light


Open your eyes


Step into the SPACE



Open your eyes


Cause we've only just begun


凭借其极具节奏感轰炸力的众多EP和超强感染力的现场收揽众多的铁杆粉丝,人气爆棚。近年来也一直稳扎稳打,雄踞于 Top 100 DJs 排行榜前列。


来自荷兰的Blasterjaxx电音二人组凭借其极具节奏感轰炸力的众多EP和超强感染力的现场,不仅赢得了诸多大牌 DJ 的青睐与赞赏,更是收揽众多的铁杆粉丝,人气爆棚。近年来也一直稳扎稳打,雄踞于 Top 100 DJs 排行榜前列,2015年位居第19名,2016年度位居第43名。


lasterjaxx 由两位荷兰DJ兼製作人 Thom Jongkind 与 Idir Makhlaf 组成,

曲风以 Big Room House, Electro House 以及 Dirty Dutch 为主。

   2010年,Thom Jongkind在当时隶属的音乐公司Scalix突发奇想,想成立个双人DJ,他当时找到了 Leon Vielvoije(同样身为音乐製作人兼DJ),并将Blasterjaxx名号挂上,当时两者都在音乐製作方面都有非常大的进步并且渐渐受到众人喜爱,也因为在製作音乐这方面,两者的坚持都不一样,最终双方关系破裂,Leon 离开。而 Thom 则继续将商标挂在自己身上,Thom之后有与Idir Makhla有了些合作。

   2012年时,Thom 选择加入 Idir 的隶属音乐公司 Macosta,Idir 与 Thom 组成现在的Blasterjaxx,并与 D-Rashid合作製作了两首曲子 “Reborn"与“Where we go",并收录在Laidback Luke的音乐平台Mixmash Records里。

   在早期的2013年,与Billy The Kit合作Loud & Proud,之后为Tiesto的“Adagio for Strings"以及“Love Comes Again"做成Remix版,不久后又再次合作“United"Remix。  

单曲“Faith"在荷兰声名大噪后,在2014年的瑞典也让人耳目一新,之后又与Hardwell合作单曲“Fifteen",并在DJ Mag 2014百大DJ排行衝到第13名,这也证明了他们的实力不容小觑。  

2015年6月,Blasterjaxx & Electric Family 合作,并且将所有收益捐给『20x20x20基金会』;该基金会的目的是让全球2000万、没有经济能力能治疗/购买视力辅助器材的盲人,能够得到他们需要且应得到的辅助器材/治疗。该基金会计画让那些视障同胞能够得到300$美金,作为他们的视障医疗应用款。    

在 Club 文化极度发达,素以 EDM 第一故乡著称的电音强国荷兰, Thom Jongkind 和 Idir Makhlaf 无不例外的受到了荷兰众多元老级DJ,如 Tiesto,Armin van Buuren,Ferry Corsten 的影响。两人从小便对电音产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且开始在各个 club 做驻场DJ,在积累了足够舞台经验后,他们逐渐开始尝试创作自己的电音舞曲。2015年1月,两人以一首 "Beautiful World" 名声大燥,红极一时,从此后更是一发不可收拾,“Forever”,“Ghost In The Machine”“Heartbreak”等诸多单曲如同洪流一般疯狂的连番轰炸着全球各地的 Raver 们。

   2015年 Blasterjaxx 拿下 TOP 100 DJs No.19 的好成绩,在Ultra,EDC,Tomorrowland 等世界性超级音乐节的现场更是节奏火爆,张弛有度,让全场心跳都跟随其起伏!

In the space of just a few years, Blasterjaxx have ascended the journey from relatively unknown producers to heroes of the current scene in astounding fashion. With a none-more-energetic sound that’s packed to the brim with huge riffs, enormous builds, killer drops and infectious melody, they have time and time again proved themselves to be amongst the most exciting producers and DJs in the EDM scene. Thom and Idir’s meteoric rise to the top has has brought it’s challenges, but they’ve always stood by each other. Together they have taken electronic dance music to new levels and their sound is still ever-evolving.

Born and raised in The Hague, Netherlands, Thom Jongkind and Idir Makhlaf draw on their home country’s rich heritage in hard-edged dance music to present a sound that interprets that distinctive toughness in a cutting-edge, contemporary fashion. After DJ Chuckie gave the duo their first break with their Carlos Barbosa collaboration Escucha on his Dirty Dutch Music imprint, the biggest dance labels around were soon vying for their output.

  From Tiësto’s Musical Freedom (Loud & Proud) Spinnin’ Records (Gravity, Titan) to Hardwell’s Revealed Recordings (Beautiful World) to Steve Aoki’s Dim Mak Records (Snake, Forever) to Doorn Records (Astronaut) to Mixmash (Legend Comes To Life) to Ultra Music (No Place Like Home), they have left few stones unturned. Remixes for the likes of David Guetta, Armin Van Buuren, Tiësto, Steve Aoki and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike have continued to cement their place at the heart of the global EDM scene, with many millions of plays racking up for their prolific body of work.

  Launching their own label, event and radio show concept Maxximize has been the latest major step change in their career. Maxximize Records has given a platform to upcoming as well as more established talents like DBSTF, Boostedkids, Breathe Carolina and Jewelz & Sparkz. The kick-off   of their immense series of parties was in Rotterdam after which New York and Miami soon followed suit, inviting stars like Ummet Ozcan, Laidback Luke, Timmy Trumpet, Dannic, Danny Avila and Firebeatz to play alongside them. Even Hardwell was keen to show up for a surprise back-to-back set.




给我你的身体 燥个爽!